In New Caledonia, at Noumea, an unforgettable diving experience, walking on the bottom of the ocean in a very colourful underwater world...

The underwater walk ® : 'OCEAN WALK

From 5 years old...
Warning :
This activity has been relocated at MYSTERY Is.

At 5 minutes from Noumea, inside the SPECIAL MARINE RESERVE of the "ILE AUX CANARDS" (Duck Island) you can discover snorkling, diving and water activities in a wonderfull natural aquarium.

At about 50 metres from the beach, in a very quite place, the PONTOON suggests many services (prices exclude 4% tax):

  • INFORMATION about the underwater world
  • DISCOVER the underwater world in a Marine Reserve, without knowing how to swim, without training of any sort and keeping your face dry : "OCEAN WALK" (from 5 years old)
  • DISCOVER a wonderful aquatic life, until 6 meters with a Scuba : INTRODUCTORY DIVE
"New Caledonia is renowed for its ideal diving locations, extraordinary lagoons and diverse range of aquatic activities. Those with a spirit of adventure should consider taking an underwater walk in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Noumea".
A 5-minute boat ride and you arrive at a large underwater pontoon ; after donning a wetsuit, placing a huge space bubble type of helmet on your head and straping on a pair of booties, you are ready to meet the fish.

Using a mooving platform, like a lift, you go down inside the sea ; you feel totally disconnecyed from your body, although an instructor will help to guide you along a rail, among the coral and a lot of fish.

Once you touch the bottom of the sea, your adventure begins. Schools of brightly coloured fish stream by your helmet, brushing past your hands and feet and nibbling your fingers as you feed them with chunks of soggy bread.

The feeling is quite surreal, particularly as you weightlessly bounce and glide among the fish and coral, observing the unique marine life from the sanctuary of your bubble. You can't help but laugh in wonder and amazement at the beauty of the cool, quiet sea and the frenzied fish.

This is an experience that will leave you smiling for days.

Without knowing how to swim, wtihout certificate or training of any sort, everybody can enjoy the "OCEAN WALK" ® from 5 years old !

Every afternoon : At 2:30 pm (return at 4:00 pm)

Departure : from Anse Vata (Le Meridien & Club Med's jetty)

For BOOKING and prices
For all enquires, please mail or call NOUMEA DIVING.

Your next step :
(Ocean Walk + Intro. dive = -10 %)

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