GORO :"Sharks' Den"

For details below: (click for direct access to where you want to go) :

1°) Description of the dive site
2°) The Itineries for going to Goro by road
3°) Useful Information about the day (timing, cost, lodging, meals, etc...).


A unique spot, an exceptional dive. There is everything there :

  • The drop-offs are short and steep
  • A bottom of sand
  • The coral
  • And the "big"... rays, turtles, griant barracudas, sharks and the same for the wreck...immense !

From the start, this dive will take you across a wreck, jammed in a true entanglement between Neae Island and the great coral barrier, until the outside of the main reef bordering the bay of Goro. Magical...

But be careful as this dive must be guided by those who know the site well and requires experience diving in strong currents. This is not a dive for beginners!

To start the dive: With the nose of the boat practically on the reef, you will see beautiful coral rock formations on a white sandy bottom
... then, the drop-off descends immediately and the encounters begin...
The giant barracudas (greater than 1m) hardly ascending towards the shallows of the reef at our approach. They are the masters of their domain - along with the sharks (Carcharinus amblyrhynchos or Dagsit)
When you first arrive at the Bay of Goro, you will immediately see the Imperator moored, closed to the departure jetty, by the gîte Attiti.

2°) Getting There , 2 possibilities :

  • Taking the road from Plum, you head towards Prony, Capture, Port Boisé (gîte Kanua) and then finally onto Goro.
    Apart from some small section towards Prony (Incoo Nickel), all the road is sealed allowing any car to pass. It takes about 11/2hrs until Port Boisé, then 20 minutes more for Goro if driving unrushed.
    The gîte Attiti (local style hotel)is on the right of the road which runs along the coast. There is a mountain on the left (there is only one like it there) before the famous Goro waterfalls (just up onthe left). If you haven't seen anything or heard anything, don't go past the only little creek turning to the right across the road (5 minutes after the waterfall).
    The departure jetty is 200m after the gîte Attiti with the waterfall another 800m further on.
  • If you take the road from Yate (80 km from Noumea), then continue onto the end, Goro is indicated to the right and the village of Yaté to the left. All the road is sealed with beautiful viewpoints along the way. It's a little less than 2 hours from Noumea until the jetty at Goro. There is no risk of the coast misleading you there.

Unfortunately, the mobile/cell phone coverage isn't througout. There are many areas of no coverage due to the mountains. If you need to, call the Kanua hotel (46 90 00), or NOUMEA DIVING (78 78 07) - there is always reception in the bay.

The beach is on the other side of the trees, in front of the 4 bungalows of Kanua hotel
The beach in front of gîte Kanua
Studious work on board the Imperator, in the bay of Port Boise, while playing on the internet
The path borders the camp site until the waterfall


Length of excursion: 1 day
Booking notice : 3 weeks before, payment on reservation (cashed only on day of departure)
Number of dives: 2 dives
Dive sites : Sharks' Den, Goro
Meals: BBQ on board the IMPERATOR in the bay of GORO.
Tea/coffee available on board. Eat your own pic-nic at the Goro waterfall.
Minimum dive experience: Open water + 20 dives
Dive Package : 12,000 F (tanks and weights included) - 15 % if combined booking with Prony (4 dives : 19,890 F).

Travel by road in own car (Noumea-Goro via Yaté between11/2 and 2hrs)
8am Departure from jetty at GORO (200m before the gîte Attiti if coming from Yaté)
(all diving gear can be left on board the day before to ease travel)
9am Dive n° 1 in the sharks' den
10.30am Dive n° 2 in sharks' den (drift dive)
12.30pm LUNCH: BBQ on board the Imperator or pic-nic (there are many picturesque places) or eat at the restaurant in Port Boisé (you must reserve beforehand).

8am Departure from the jetty at Prony
9am Diving on the Needle of Prony (bring underwater torch, rental possible on board) and drift dive in the Woodin channel (whales often seen...)

The Imperator will leave around 1pm towards the Bay of Prony to dive on the Needle